Monday, August 8, 2016

THDA Housing Production Rankings: Another Year, Another Success!

The Homebuyer Peer Education Institute (HBEI) wrapped up another successful year of training. This year, United Housing received the following recognition under THDA’s HBEI:

·       Fourth in the state: ‘Total ALL HBEI Rankings’
§  118 customers served and more than $13.5 million total loans funded

·       Third in the state: ‘Total Urban HBEI Rankings’
§  80 customers served and $8.2 million total loans funded

·       Ninth in the state: ‘Total Rural HBEI Rankings’
§  38 customers served and $5.3 million total loans funded

 This puts UHI in the top 7% for housing production in the state of Tennessee. Way to go, HBE Counselors, Dept. and trusty volunteers! And a big congrats to the clients, who make what we do worthwhile and help improve our city at the same time.